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Hanging of the Greens

We Love Our Children!

Harper made this to help with our Food Drive



 Hanging of the Greens

​​On the last Sunday in November, we all

get together for Hanging of the Greens.

That's a time when we hang Christmons on FCC's Christmas tree. “CHRISMON” is a combination of parts of two words: Chris (for Christ) and Mon (for monogram).

A Chrismon is just that – a monogram of Christ. The Chrismon tree was developed by Frances Kipps Spencer, a member ofthe Ascension Lutheran Church in Danville, Virginia in 1957.


Sunday School

On Sunday, September 17, 2023, Pastor Debbie had a ribbon cutting ceremony to dedicate our new Children's Sunday School Room.  It took some time and hard work by a lot of people , including the children, to get this room ready.  Here are some before and after pictures:

Sunday Shool Ribbon Cutting.jpeg
Pastor Debbie dedicates and thanks God for the New Sunday School Room.jpeg
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New Sunday School Room 2.jpeg

Easter Traditions

Every Easter we all go down to our front yard and adorn the cross with cut flowers.  Even the little children help.

FCC Cross at Easter 2022.jpg

Easter Music with Cellist Kenneth Law and Pianist Francesca Hurst

Kenneth Law, Cellist and Francesca Hurst, Pianist
Easter Gathering 2022.jpg
Easter Refreshments aat FCC .jpg

Easter Refreshments

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Pastor Debbie's Chidren Sermon on Easter.jpg
Children's Sermon
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Pastor Debbie welcomes her Father Jim as he joins FCC

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Chelsy and Harper - 1 yr old.JPG
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Chelsy and Ian were married at Fairfax Christian Church on March 30, 2019

Garden for the Homeless

Last May, Thyra proposed a new ministry - A Garden for the Homeless.  So, Thyra single-handedly dug up a garden in our front yard and planted vegetables for the homeless. Later in the summer, she harvested her first crop of squash, and 

delivered it to the Lamb Center. 


The garden was amazing. Thanks be to God!

FCC Prayground

Jesus said, "let the children come unto me."

In the back of the sanctuary at Fairfax Christian Church we have a Children's Prayground - a place where the children can play with foam blocks or magnetic blocks, sit in the bouncer and play with a stuffed animal, or sit

at the table and color or read books while they listen to the service.  It's amazing what they hear when we don't think they're paying attention!


Next to the bookcases, we added a pak 'n play. What a blessing that has been!



Children's Moments

Every Sunday, our children join the minister for the Children's Moment, a time where the minister teaches the children a Bible lesson or shares a story.  This is not just a time for the children.  The adults love it, too!!



What a nice surprise! Mom showed up!!

Blessing for Kayla Rose Sun

Parents and Kayla with Pastor Carolyn 
Parents, Grandparents             and Kayla
Godparents with Kayla

We are Family!!

Piano Benefit was 
a huge success!

Drs. Ivo Kaltchev and Francesca Hurst performed a benefit concert at Fairfax Christian Church (FCC). The performance featured Beethoven, Mozart, and Liszt, and it was awesome!! FCC used the generous donations from the concert for local outreach.

The Keatons

Crystal and Walter:


"We started as a couple that had different upbringings in religion. We wanted to start fresh together and have a path of our own so we searched for a church that would help us fulfill that desire. We found Fairfax Christian Church allows us to be in a community where we feel at home. We feel supported and loved by everyone. The community we found is a great place for our daughter. Our ideas and our voices can be heard, and the communication with everyone is what made me feel so welcome and want to continue coming here. We love Fairfax Christian Church."

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